I'm a Poet, Don't You Know It
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Timing Is Everything
Timing is Everything!
by Marilyn Mackenzie

When something that you know is good and right comes into your life, you must grab it right away. Sometimes there is only one chance to find the perfect love, only a piece of time in which to cultivate that love. If we miss that opportunity, does the love pass away?

Timing is Everything I

As I wander through the lonely night
I wonder where you are
And if you are thinking of me
As I think of you

I ponder as I gaze at the stars
Is there really a Prince Charming
Wondering about me too
As I wonder about him

Can we discover a love rare and deep
That lasts beyond the ages
"Yes," my soul cries out boldly
Our hearts already intertwine
God knows whom I seek

Timing is Everything II

There is a time for everything
It's even in the Bible
A time to dance,
a time to sing
A time when we'll be able
To laugh, to love, to share so much
The world will envy us
Until that time I'll miss your touch
And wonder at the justice

Timing is Everything III

When the time is right
You'll come to me
Or I to you

When the time is right
You'll smile at me
And I at you

When the time is right
You'll hold me
And I'll hold you

Written in the year 2000, as I awaited a yet undiscovered love.

copyright 2000 Marilyn Mackenzie

First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage
First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage
By Marilyn Mackenzie

Is is really possible to bare one's soul via cyberspace? And then what? Just how do you
describe marriage?

You Touched My Heart

You touched my heart so quietly,
You never said you would.

Our hearts embraced so silently,
I didn't know they could.

Voice on the phone you are to me,
So happy, strong, sincere.

Computer notes from me and thee.
Becoming more? Do I fear?

What happens when we one day meet?
Will I be what you thought?

The Lord above knows whom I seek.
Are you the one I've sought?

How long before we'll know for sure?
Will it take only a glance?

Desiring love forever more,
Can you, God and I dance?

For that's the test, you know, my dear
Of whether it can be.

With God as head I'll never fear,
We'll dance till eternity.


Yellow and Blue

Just yellow and blue,
Parts of a rainbow are they,
Swirling lust colors.


Yellow Plus Blue Makes Green

Some time ago a gentleman and I were discussing the institution of marriage. He believed that if I were the color yellow and he the color blue, that the painting of a marriage between the two of us would merely be a white canvas with yellow and blue stripes or yellow and blue polka dots. I disagreed.

To me, and excellent marriage is more than two people learning to live peacefully together during the daytime hours and sharing a bed at night. Rather, the colors of yellow and blue would be splashed randomly on that white canvas. In some cases, the yellow would seem to dominate its part of the page. On others, blue would definitely be in evidence more. In many places on the canvas of married life, the colors of yellow and blue would be whirling and swirling side by side and in very intricate patterns. But, more importantly, there would be places where the yellow and blue came together to make green. Two becoming one, in mind, body and spirit. That, to me, is the definition of an excellent marriage, one designed by our Creator.

copyright 2002 Marilyn Mackenzie

A Tribute to You, My Soul Mate
A Tribute to You, My Soul Mate
by Marilyn Mackenzie

Starting tomorrow, and each day thereafter
I will remind myself how important it is
That I reach out and touch you
Gently, of course, first with my fingers
So I can feel the warmth of your skin,
Next with my eyes, so I see if my love
And yours reflect one to the other
And finally with my words,
Sweet whispers for you alone
Because I don't want to miss feeling you
In any way ever again
Starting tomorrow, and each day thereafter

Starting tomorrow, and each day thereafter
I will remind myself how important it is
That I define my love for you
Boldly, of course, first with my body
Because I long for our heated coupling
Next with my mind, as it seeks
To communicate the depth of my feelings
And, most importantly with my heart
Which now beats only for God and for you
Because I don't want to miss loving you
In any way ever again
Starting tomorrow, and each day thereafter.

Written December 18, 2000 to my new love, then undiscovered.